Well here is "Nana Trish" and I at my cousin Brenda house in Lexington, S.C. It was a crazy 16 days trip but some of the joys was the time I got to spend with Brenda, a new friend Trish and old friends Rodney and Cheryl from Texas.
I got to spend two afternoons with Trish and share lunch and great stories and our love of the Lord. I got to meet, as they say in the south, her "heart" her lovely granddaughter Avery. I'm here to tell you folks, she is a special one. I have 9 grandchildren but if think I have to adopted another one. Avery would fit right in with my group. My cousin Brenda and Trish got along famously and have become fast friends. Each of them asking me how the other is doing. It's a wonderful thing to see. As I had said my cousin moved to South Carolina and knew no one but her realtor, but now she has a great friend in Trish. Bless them both.
When Rodney and Cheryl came to visit Brenda and I the four of us worked our tail off for two days straight. But when they left South Carolina for their own adventure in the south, they left us with furniture put together, pictures on the wall, the garage organized and so far ahead of the moving in curve, it was time to travel and see some of the countryside. They also left us with the greatest memories of belly laughter, hour after hour. Trust me we worked hard but we laughed harded.
We had a super day in Charleston and you've got to love the that town. The beauty of the town and country side is phenomenal. We were surrounded by such beauty and grace and over flowing with history. We took a wonderful carriage ride and our host explained the history of the town to where you felt like you were right there.
I highly recommend a trip to Charleston and next year when I go, I want to see some of the plantations and Fort Sumter. Two years ago when Brenda and I visited the South and she fell in love with it, we went to a plantation and we both loved the wonderful experience. It was so great to see all the great older homes and buildings and hear the history.
After 16 days and nine states, my cousin Brenda drove me to Charlotte, N.C. to fly out and she said that she would come in with me to see my off. I said no drop me off at the curb and I'll go in. A quick kiss on the cheek and I was out of there. I thought she might think it strange but I felt a hugh bawling blubber coming on and could just see myself going through security and walking to my gate with streaks of mascara all over my face. So even though I knew I would miss her terrible I rushed out of the car. Miss her terrible I do, but I'm so proud of her and the new life she is starting. God bless you Brenda and know that the Lord is watching over you everyday even if you don't realize it. I love you girl...
Great post Dustye. Sounds like you had the best time and made so many lasting memories.
Good to see Nana Trish too! Great photo!!
Can't wait to see more photos of your experience in S.C.
Dustye, you are a sweetheart! I had the most fun when you were here. You are beautiful and seeing the picture again made me wish it had all lasted longer. I hope to see Brenda soon. You have a wonderful cousin, but then I should have known she would be after knowing you. I'm sorry it's so hot there. It's actually much cooler here than it has been in a while. I will point folks to your blog when I post tonight. Love ya girl. You are so positive and happy it really was great having you down here.
Oh finally a picture with a name and a heart I have known for awhile now.
What a great treat for both of you to have met. I haven't met a blogging buddy yet. But I have proposed to Nana Trish that we all meet at Chris's when they finally get that place in Montana done...ya with me???
Blessings Dusty, thanks for sharing!
Came by to say Hi and introduce myself from NanaTrish's blog! Isn't she sweet? Yep, she'd give you a cavity! Sounds like you all had a wonderful time together making memories! Have a great week and see you again soon!
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