1. What was I doing 10 years ago? Let's see that would be 1998! I was hip deep in medical transcription...crazy job but I learned a lot. It consumed me though and I really didn't have much of a life so I got out of that. Picture this; typing in my pj's with my bunny slippers on. Truth! All day...
2. My favorite snacks? Anything in the sugar group! Pie is of course first...cake is running in second, fudge is third...and being healthy...homemade hummus and black pepper potato chips!!! Yum...
3. 5 things on my to do list? Paint front porch rail, paint the guest bathroom, paint the kitchen cabinets, clean out the flowers beds in the backyard and replant with pretty stuff! Where are you In A Garden.
4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire? Well my husband says for me never to play the lottery because he says that I will give it all away and he is pretty much right. I just want to share! But I would love a home in the mountains and a home on the beach, and just travel and travel. And all our children and grandbabies would be set too!
5. What are 5 jobs that I have had? Bookkeeper, audit analyst, medical transcriptionist, dental assistant, secretary and telephone operator right out of high school.
6. What 5 bad habits do I have? Who me!!! Okay it does slip out, but sometimes, not often, I swear...I don't want to but it sneaks out. I like to shop too much ( husband agrees ). Can't say no enough. I can't always forgive myself. I think maybe one bad habit is that I interfere in my children's lives too much...but I'm not too sure about that. Just don't ask them though...
7. Here is 5 places that I've lived. Porterville, CA. Fresno, CA. Ventura, CA. Bakersfield, CA. Visalia, CA. Yeah I really get around!
8. What are 5 random things that people wouldn't know about me: I got 9 stitches over my right eye surfing no less! I love fishing. I hate doing dishes. I would like to pierce my right ear at the top and get a little diamond! I am terribly soft hearted.
9. What are 5 cd's that I would love to have on a desert island? Misty Edwards, Jordan Sparks, Josh Grobin, Carrie Underwood and Keith Urban.
10. People I want to get to know better: I want to get to know my darling friend Chris more and my cousin Brenda, my sister-in-law Jan and my daughters Kim and Jennifer. I enjoying visiting with my new friends in blogdom Nanatrish from Nana's Living the dream and Cindy from In a Garden.
So great to learn a few NEW things about you my darling friend...
I want another ear piercing with a diamond earing stud too!! :)
Awww, I'm honored you want to get to me more...but you know me pretty well I must say!!!
Thanks for playing the tag game!!
I was so glad you came by and left your comments. Thanks so much. Yes, I guess I am a closet artist too. I just want to come out of the closet. I have taken watercolor classes. To me, it is one of the hardest mediums to tackle, but I love it. I want to get to know you better too. I think that is so cool about the earring. I like that. It's not like a tatoo, but just the right amount of rebellion. Cool. I am so happy that you came back to bloggyland. Now, I showed you some of my work, it's your turn. You know we both need to come out of the closet. :0)
Nice to meet you Dustye and I always enjoy reading these 'about me' memes.
The Shack is wonderful and so full of truth. 'So You don't want to go to church' good too. That only comes about because lots think the church is the building and the meeting whereas it is the Eclesia, the people. blessings
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